Call for Presenters 2016

We are excited to announce Simcoe County District School Board’s second annual PUSH Your Learning Conference focusing on integrating technology. The conference will be held on Saturday, March 5, 2016 at Bear Creek SS.

This event focuses on engaging participants in authentic learning around the innovative integration of educational technology in learning and teaching. Through a variety of sessions, participants will explore and develop their knowledge, skills and attitudes around the effective use of Google Apps for Education and other educational technology tools, such as D2L and Office 365.

We invite you to submit a proposal to share your learning and experiences with integrating technology. We will continue to accept submissions until February 19, 2016. 

We will begin contacting applicants the week of February 8-12, 2016.

To submit a session proposal, fill out this form:

Guidelines for Session Submissions:
All sessions should demonstrate how you use the tools to enhance learning and teaching, including STEAM, coding, assessment, parent communication, etc...
Types of Sessions
  • Inspiration Session - an interactive learning experience for sharing ideas, resources and best practice in using technology to enhance learning and teaching. (60 minutes)
  • Create & Connect Session - an interactive learning experience where participants are asked to create and learn by doing. (60 minutes or 120 minute session)
Title and Session Descriptions
  • Provide a brief 250-300 word description of your session.
  • Provide a short description of each presenter including their name, work location, role, and twitter handle.
Target Audience (select all that apply)
  • Kindergarten, Primary, Junior, Intermediate, Secondary and/or Administration.
User Comfort Level with Google Apps for Education
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate

Here are some sessions from PUSH 2015 for inspiration:
Inspiration Session
Create & Connect Session